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The Weekender: Funny Photos of Macs & Way Beyond

Our first edition of the THEWEEKENDER presents you with a few funny photos of 1980 Apple prototypes along with interesting, funny and crazy photos from around the world. If you don't have a sense of humor, then this report isn't for you.  




THEWEEKENDER is a new section that we'll post every once in a while. It'll randomly cover a few links of different kinds of news on Apple, technologies, products, a video or photos that may catch your eye or make you laugh. This weekend's theme is all about funny and/or odd photos from around the world. If you have a sense of humor, you just might get a laugh or two.


Apple 1980 Prototype of the Concrete Mac for the Enterprise


1. Apple 1980 Prototype of the Concrete Mac for the Enterprise


Monkey See, Monkey Do. Google Thinks of Copying Apple's Theme Stores: Oh, How Original of Them


2. Monkey See Monkey Do, Google Thinks of Google Stores, how original


Going to the Movies Afghan-Style


3. Going to Movies, Afganistan style


This is called the Festival of Colors. LSD not included


4. This is the Festival of Colors. LSD not included


Jewish Incas: Who Knew?


5. Jewish Icas, Who Knew


An Apple Prototype: The Funny Mac 


6. The Funny Mac

Steve wanted a funny Mac. He showed his engineers what it should look like and they tried and failed. It's code name was Groucho. They were soooo close.   


We Have it: The Last Two People Living in Siberia


7. The last 2 people living in Siberia


Forget Sasquatch.


The Bone Heads: The Theme of the GOP's Next Convention


8.  Bone Heads - The GOP Peparing for their next Convention


And you thought that the Tea Partiers were the funny ones. Ha!


Some People Just Don't Know when to Quit


9. Some People just don't know when to Quit


Ooh, Flying Lanterns. Monks Have all the Fun

  10. Flying Lanterns, where can I buy one


Rare Photo of Russian Astronauts Held for Ransom on Mars. Good Luck with that one Boys


11. Rare Photo of Russian Astronauts Held for Ransom on Mars


Like Seinfeld, It's a Video About Nothing 




These Guys Haven't Aged Since the 50's. What's up with that?


12. These guys haven't aged since the 50's. What's up with that

The Memo: Steve Jobs or SJ thought that Apple Actually sold 5 Million MacPhones. Once Again, LSD not Included




Does Rio Know How to Throw a Party or What?


14. Does Rio Know how to Throw a Party or What


Tourism is Down in Syria. Not so Funny


16. Tourism is Down in Syria. Not so funny


One Fashion Designer Thinks that Chicks, Well ... Should look like Chicks


17. One Fashion Designer Thinks that Chicks, Well ... Should look like Chicks


Just in Case the Election Didn't Go his way, Obama is Shown Here Trying out for a Role in the Remake of the Classic Flick, "Singing in the Rain"


18. Obama Trying out for Singing in the Rain

He didn't get the part, but that's okay. He's now an actor on the world stage as the 44th President of the United Sates.


Have yourself a great weekend.




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Apple Prototypes





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