Apple's iPad to Experience Stellar Growth in 2013
Taiwan's Central News Agency is reporting this morning that a flat screen research institute in Taiwan predicts Apple will ship more than 82 million iPads globally in 2013 which will be exceed 25% growth.
The new report surprisingly stated that two thirds of Apple's tablet sales in 2013 will be generated by the iPad mini.
If true, it would fly in the face of what Steve Jobs stated back in 2010 in respect to a 7 inch tablet: "the screen is too small to express software. There's a limit to how little physical area a screen element can be and still be pinched and swiped."
If anything, it proves that Apple's grandiose predictive statements reflect their current internal marketing biases and not necessarily market reality. Apple has recently scoffed at five inch smartphone display sizes and the coming wave of Ultrabook convertibles. Yet market dynamics are likely to push Apple in both of these very directions over the coming years. In fact, one of Apple's most recent patent applications regarding touch displays show that they may be destined for Apple's full MacBook lineup over time which directly contradicts Apple's current marketing stance and public bravado.
Yet for now, Apple's iPad line-up is on track for stellar growth in 2013 and MIT still views Apple as one of the top disruptive companies for 2013.
The MIT Technology Review derives its authority from the world's foremost technology institution.