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Apple Partners with China's AutoNavi for Turn by Turn Navigation

1. Apple Partners with China's AutoNavi for Turn by Turn Navigation in iOS 6
According to a new report posted by China Daily, Apple is embracing Chinese developers. One in particular worth noting is AutoNavi. According to China Daily, "AutoNavi's navigation application showed up in Apple's latest operating system on Tuesday, replacing the Google map application." Although this appears to fly in the face of a recent Engadget report, it's highly likely that Apple has chosen AutoNavi in China and TomTom in North America and Europe. Our report clearly illustrates that Apple is indeed a partner of AutoNavi.


China Daily reports that "AutoNavi's Apple map team was established two years ago. The team now has more than 100 employees," Yang Yongqi, vice-president of AutoNavi Holdings Ltd, said on his micro blog." Apple is also developing its own map application, Yang said.


The report also quotes Yin Xinglong, another analyst at Analysys International of stating that "AutoNavi's mobile phone navigation service is the top mobile phone-based navigation system in China, with nearly 39 percent of the market in the first quarter." 


2. China Daily Statistics - AutoNavi ahead of Google in China June 2012


According to Analysys International, there are 284 million people in China using mobile Internet maps to navigate. AutoNavi map and technology applications lead the market with a 25.9 percent share, while Google's share in the sector was only 16.7 percent in the first quarter.


According to AutoNavi's website information, they've completed 3-D navigation maps of key areas in 49 major cities and photo-realistic 3-D models in 22 cities for public sector projects.


3. Apple Listed as one of AutoNavi's Partners


Apple introduced Turn by Turn Navigation during Scott Forstall's keynote Segment on Monday. Scott Forstall is Apple's Senior Vice President, iPhone Software.


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In addition you'll find this interesting. TomTom and Autonavi are actually partners.

"TomTom and AutoNavi first to market with premium real-time traffic in rapidly growing Chinese market"

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