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Apple Wins Patents for the iPod Touch with Dual Cameras & More

1 - Apple wins patents for the iPod touch with Dual Cameras & More, Aug 2011, Patently Apple 
The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 16 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today. The notables that stood out this morning covered three design wins for Apple which included their latest iPod touch with dual cameras, the MacBook Air and iPhone user interface. Steve Jobs is noted as one of the inventors. 


Apple is Granted Three Design Patents


The USPTO granted Apple three design patents today. The first covered Apple's 2010 iPod Touch with dual HD Cameras, the second covered the iPhone's Home Screen UI and the third covered another MacBook Air design win. Apple was granted a MacBook Air design win just last week.


2 - Apple wins a design patent for their 2010 iPod Touch with HD Camera, Aug 2011 - Patently Apple 

Apple credits CEO Steve Jobs, VP Industrial Design Jonathan Ive and team members Jody Akana, Bartley Andre, Jeremy Bataillou, Daniel Coster, Daniele De Iuliis, Evans Hankey, Richard Howarth, Duncan Kerr, Shin Nishibori, Matthew Dean Rohrbach, Peter Russell-Clarke, Christopher Stringer, Eugene Whang and Rico Zorkendorfer as the inventors of Granted Patent D642,563, originally filed in Q3 2010.


3 - Apple Wins design patents for their Macbook air & classic iphone home screen ui, Aug 2011, Patently Apple 

Other Granted Patents Published Today


Granted Patent 7,992,097: Select drag and drop operations on video thumbnails across clip boundaries. This patent relates to Apple's iMovie.


Granted Patent 7,990,398 - Matching movement behavior in motion graphics. This patent relates to Apple's "Motion" application.


Granted Patent 7,990,780: Multiple threshold voltage register file cell


Granted Patent 7,990,919: Techniques for reducing communication errors in a wireless communication system


Granted Patent 7,991,637: Freeform communication in calendaring system


Granted Patent 7,991,720: Method and apparatus for organizing information in a computer system. This covers Apple's 2003 "Piles" patent.


Granted Patents 7,991,738 + 7,991,740 +7,991,834: Synchronization methods and systems + Synchronization server process + Method and apparatus for updating and synchronizing information between a client and a server.


Granted Patent 7,991,781: System and method for storing and retrieving filenames and files in computer memory


Granted Patent 7,992,101: Method and apparatus for controlling a display of a data processing system


Notice: Patently Apple presents only a brief summary of granted patents with associated graphics for journalistic news purposes as each Granted Patent is revealed by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. Readers are cautioned that the full text of any Granted Patent should be read in its entirety for full details.


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