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Apple Files for Mail Trademark & Registers OS X Lion USB Stick Design

1A - Apple Files for Mail Trademark & Registers OS X Lion USB Stick Design 
On August 19, 2011, the US Patent & Trademark Office published Apple's latest trademark application for "Mail" under application 85398447 which was filed on Monday. The distinguishing mark that Apple emphasizes in their application is the phrase "Hello From Cupertino." Apple has also registered a design for the USB Stick relating to OS X Lion's Recovery Drive in China. The same design is also used as a MacBook Air USB software reinstall-drive. 


Apple's Trademark Application In-Part


2 - Apple Trademarks Mail with Literal Element Hello from Cupertino, CA, aug 2011, Patently Apple 

Apple has filed the trademark under International Class 009 which covers electronic mail and messaging software.


3 - Apple's Mail Trademark Design Specimen, Aug 2011, Patently Apple 

Apple Registers their Design for OS X Lion Recovery Drive Design in China


4 - Apple Registers their Design for OS X Lion Recovery Drive Design in China, Aug 2011, Patently Apple 

China's Patent and Trademark Office has registered Apple's design under application number 1100548.5. Our graphic illustrates the drive design found in the application in China in contrast with the a photo of the actual size of the drive from OSX Daily


Notice: Patently Apple presents a basic summary of new trademark filings with their associated graphics for journalistic news purposes as each such trademark is revealed by the U.S. and/or other foreign Patent & Trademark Offices. This category covers a few Industrial Design reports each year while others could be found in our granted patent archives. Readers are cautioned that the full text of any trademark application should be read in its entirety for further details.


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