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July 2011

Other Interesting Apple Inventions Surface Covering an iTunes Credit System, Keynote Advancements and New Accessories

1 - Other Interesting Apple Inventions Surface for iTunes Credit System & New Accessories, July 2011, Patently Apple 
Some days there's a plethora of interesting small and medium sized inventions of one sort or another that surface from Apple that don't warrant a full report yet are interesting nonetheless. In Patently Apple's final report of the day we cover a lot of ground in as short a time as possible. Some of the classic inventions covered in this report include a new iCloud / iTunes credit system in the works that hints of a subscription service while covering a number of interesting Keynote Application advancements that even hints of a laser pointer accessory. To top it off we cover Apple's invention for a video converter accessory for the iPad and even look at Apple's manufacturing tool that creates the Apple Logo cutout found on MacBooks. If you have the time, take a look at this smorgasbord of Apple's inventions and you're bound to find something of interest, for sure.


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A New Patent Points to a Possible Nike + iPhone Golfing App

1 - A New Patent Points to a Possible Nike + iPhone Golfing App, July 2011, Patently Apple 
On July 28, 2011, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Nike that might be revealing one of the next chapters for the Nike + iPod product line. This time it appears that it'll be a Nike + iPhone product in the making. Although Nike specifically notes that their system will work with Apple's iPhone, it's impossible to know at this time if Apple has more involvement in this project than meets the eye. Nike's patent generally relates to the use of golfing equipment and a mobile computing device to track sports performance data. More specifically, Nike's patent relates to capturing, transmitting, and displaying data regarding parameters associated with golf swings. Hopefully by next summer, golfers around the world will be able to boast that "There's an App for That."


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Apple Reinvents How 3D Displays Could One Day Deliver Content

1 - Apple Reinvents How 3D Displays Could One Day Deliver Content 
When I think of quality 3D content, one of the first companies that comes to mind is Pixar whose wondrous works have dazzled millions worldwide and made us laugh. It was Steve Jobs who acquired a low key 3D software tool developer company and turned it into a 3D animation powerhouse that finally drove Disney to acquire them in 2006. So do I have faith in Apple being able to reinvent 3D for computer displays and televisions in the future? Duh …Yes, of course – and the good news on this front is that a recent patent application reveals one of the many ways that Apple is preparing to deliver this next generation entertainment beast. Although Apple's patent application goes out of its way to never use the words TV or television, they do describe the shortcomings of wearing 3D polarized glasses in context with a display. If that's not describing a future 3D TV application - then I don't know what is. Then again, it's not only about entertainment anyways. It's also about a future 3D version of OS X or perhaps even iOS. And if you follow Apple's patent history, then you know that such advancements in delivering truer 3D imagery will eventually spill over to other professional fields such as medical, aerospace, gaming and far beyond. 

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Apple Invents Advanced 3D Modeling Technology for Mystery App

1 - Apple Invents Advanced 3D Modeling Technology for Mystery App, July 2011, Patently Apple 
On July 28, 2011, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals various aspects behind a newly advanced 2D-3D modeling application. The invention relates to light source detection from synthesized faces, for example, analyzing an image to detect a type and a relative location of a light source that illuminated an object in the image at the instant that the image was captured. Where it gets a little creepy however, is that Apple states that such software is used by "information gathering agencies." Whether Apple is considering this is for a future iteration of Final Cut Pro X, an all new 3D modeling application or a private project for a government agency is unknown at this time – but using a photo of Tom Hanks face just might tip Apple's hand. 

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Apple Wins Multiple Design Patents for MacBook Air, iPhone & More

1 - Apple Wins Multiple Design Patents for MacBook Air, iPhone & More 
The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 14 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today and it's Apple's design related patents which won the day. While we cover Apple's four design wins this morning, we also list a number of other delectable delights for the techies amongst us who might be interested in the details behind Apple's H.264/AVC coder or Apple's Motion program or perhaps Apple's acceleration-based theft detection system for portables.  

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Apple Working on a New Drafting App with Virtual Tools

1 - Apple Working on a New Drafting App with Virtual Tools, July 2011, Patently Apple 
In early July we reported on Apple's Wild New 3D Gesturing aimed at CAD users and in closing out July we see that Apple is working on a new "Drafting Application" that will utilize "Virtual Drafting Tools" such as a virtual ruler, protractor, compass and more. While the new app is primarily designed with devices like the iPad in mind, Apple hints that it could also be used with advanced touchpad commands such as those now debuting with OS X Lion. Many will welcome this next generation application that will once again advance multi-touch gesturing while others will bemoan and shy away from such apps. With funky loops, stars and wiggle gestures now on Apple's gesturing roadmap, some would say that gesturing is starting to get a little out of control. Then again, maybe it's just me. 

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Apple Wins Two iOS UI Design Patents in China

1 - Apple Wins Five iOS UI Design Patents in China, July 2011, Patently Apple 
Late last week China's Patent and Trademark Office published five newly registered iOS UI design patents covering three distinct UI Elements. With Apple beginning to really ramp up their lawsuits against iOS hardware and software copycats, every successfully awarded patent and trademark becomes more important and interesting.  

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Apple Files for Two Photo Booth Related Logo Trademarks

1 - Apple Files for Two Photo Booth Related Logo Trademarks, July 2011, Patently Apple 
The US Patent & Trademark Office has officially published two of Apple's latest trademark applications for differing Photo Booth Related logos covering both OS X and iPad. 

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Apple Invents New Flat Keyless Keyboard for Desktops & More

1 - Apple Invents New Flat Keyless Keyboard for Desktops & More - July 2011 - Patently Apple 
Late last week the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that revealed yet another take on a possible future virtual keyboard for the iMac and other devices. Apple's first major patent concerning larger virtual keyboards surfaced in 2009. Then in 2011a wave of major virtual keyboard patents surfaced that illustrated the depth of Apple's research in this area. In early January Patently Apple posted a report titled "Apple gets closer to a Virtual Keyboard for the iMac," and later that month we posted a second report titled "Apple Pushes Research into Motion Keyboards for MacBooks." In May, Apple disclosed the invention of an "Advanced Air Feedback System" and last week Apple revealed their fifth major effort into keyless keyboards by disclosing their new piezo-based acoustic and capacitive detection system which includes a very cool glass based keyboard concept that may be a winner.  

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On Holidays in the Great Canadian Rockies

1 - On Holidays in the Great Canadian Rockies, July 2011, Patently Apple 
I've been on holidays for the past week in the Great Canadian Rockies and all should be back to normal shortly.


Apple Attempts to Trademark their USB 2.0 Cable Design

1 - Apple Trademarks their USB 2.0 Cable Design, July 2011, Patently Apple 
It was recently revealed by the US Patent & Trademark Office that Apple has filed a trademark application for their USB 2.0 cable design. The cable connects an iPhone or iPod directly through to a Dock or a Mac's USB port for efficient syncing and charging. Apple has filed their trademark under a single International Class that interestingly broke out "electronic book readers" as a product category that they want covered. At this stage in the game you'd think that we'd be seeing the cable design relate to USB 3.0 or even a hybrid cable. Perhaps their lawyers are just a little too busy at the moment on more pressing matters (ha!).


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Apple Invents a New Kind of Synchronized and Interactive Augmented Reality Display for iOS Devices

1 - Apple Invents a new Kind of Synchronized & Interactive AR Display for iOS Devices - July 2011 - Patently Apple 
A recent Apple patent application was published by the US Patent & Trademark Office that revealed the invention of a highly advanced synchronized and interactive augmented reality (AR) display for future iOS devices. A week ago we uncovered a related AR patent application describing Smart Transparent Display technology in context with varying kinds of new consumer oriented applications. Today's report delves into Apple's initial vision for using augmented reality applications in business, health care and education. It's also Apple's second patent in a week that points to future iOS devices possibly utilizing a next generation positioning system. While we can't make the call just yet that Augmented Reality Displays and System inventions are a definite trend at Apple, we can say that they're gaining traction. Apple's leadership in portable device innovation is once again evident in this patent.    

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Apple Invents a New Kind of Message Builder for Social Networkers

1 - Apple Invents a New Kind of Message Builder for Social Networks, July 2011, Patently Apple 
On July 14, 2011, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals a new kind of database application interface for social networkers that use Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and other services. It's an idea that could appeal to social networkers who don't own a personal blog but still wish to show their friends or colleagues items of interest. It could be to show off an exotic car or baseball card collection, or maybe a catalog of the flowers in their garden or even for showcasing a shoe collection for the ladies. This unique database could also be used as a central home for your resume when looking for work. Yet the potential behind Apple's proposed application really rests in where this application could go in terms of appealing to home businesses. Time will tell how this new app will actually play out, but it seems to hold a lot of potential for social networkers. And lastly today we take a peek at Apple's newly proposed solution for avoiding headset cable tangling. Lord knows we need a solution for that headache.  

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Apple Wins Two Original iPhone Patents Regarding Rotation Heuristics

1 - Apple Wins Two Original iPhone Patents Regarding Rotation Heuristics, July 2011, Patently Apple 
The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 12 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today. The two patents that stood out from the pack this morning related to the original 2007 iPhone. In fact the patents were complementary to one another in that one covers portrait-landscape rotation heuristics and the other covers screen rotation gestures. I guess that's a double whammy for Apple and just more headaches for the likes of Google's Android. 

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Apple Invents New iPhone Features for Today's iReporters

1 - Apple Invents new iPhone Features for Today's iReporters 
CNN's iReport is a citizen journalism initiative that allows people from around the globe to contribute pictures and video of breaking news stories from their own towns and neighborhood. According to Wikipedia, there were over 750,000 registered iReporters as of March 2011. That doesn't include other networks, blogs, community newspapers and so forth. This is a trend that's only going to grow over the coming years and it's a trend that Apple intends on tapping into. According to a new patent application that was recently published, Apple has invented two potential iPhone features simply referred to as "report" and "interview" modes. The new features creatively utilize multiplex video streaming techniques whereby dual cameras on the iPhone could automatically switch back and forth between interviewer and interviewee seamlessly for a live report. While Apple may be working on future iPhone features catering to iReporters, I think that their initial features will definitely capture the imaginations of iReporters everywhere.


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Apple Reveals the Next Chapter for iBooks & New Chip for iOS Devices

1 - Apple Reveals the Next Chapter for iBooks & New Chip for iOS Devices, July 2011, Patently Apple 
Last week the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals one of the next chapters for Apple's iBooks. For children's books, Apple has devised a number of new gesture options to make reading more fun and interactive. One such gesture will allow a child to tap on a word and have an associated picture, animation or video pop-up to make that word come to life. For those learning a foreign language, Apple has devised a gesture to have a word present itself in the student's native language so as to quicken the learning process. Apple's ideas also seem to cross over to electronic magazines where tapping on certain words could pop up a related widget. For example, when reading a financial magazine article on Apple (AAPL), tapping on its NASDAQ symbol would automatically open a financial widget showing Apple's current stock price. Yet where Apple's patent application really shines is in its description of a new chip that future iOS devices could end up adopting. Our report reveals the nature of this little wonder that could definitely add a little zing to future iOS devices. 

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Apple Rethinks Landscape Connector Port and New Dock for iPad

1 X - Apple Rethinks Landscape Connector Port and New Dock for iPad +, July 2011, Patently Apple 
There was a series of Apple iPad design patents that surfaced in September, October and November 2010 that clearly hinted that future iPads could very well sport an added landscape connector port. The problem with design patents is that they lack any meaningful detailing that could either confirm or deny oddities found on the design illustrations. Some argued at the time that the so-called landscape port wasn't that at all. Well, the good news has finally arrived in the form of a newly detailed patent application published this week that basically spelled out Apple's position on this feature and even provided us with a little surprise that our report reveals. A second patent application published this week describes a new iPad docking station that could provide sturdier support for iOS devices in the future. 

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Apple Developing Applications for Smart Transparent Displays

1 - Apple Developing Applications for Smart Transparent Displays - July 2011, Patently Apple 
In early June a patent application from Apple surfaced describing a very sophisticated infrared camera system. One of the key aspects of that patent was its potential use with portable devices like an iPhone in places like a museum. The patent discussed the interrelation between an infrared camera in a future iPhone working seamlessly with infrared emitters located throughout a museum, for example. In that scenario, the iPhone user would hold their iPhone up to shoot a video or photograph an artifact while the museum's infrared emitter would send additional information to your iPhone describing said artifact. Marrying the live photo or video with descriptions of the artifact would appear as a seamless image on your iPhone. It would be like having a private tour guide of the museum with you at all times. Today, another piece of that puzzle came together in a new patent application from Apple describing the use of dual transparent displays working in conjunction with dual backside device cameras to provide users with the ultimate augmented reality application. 

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Apple Wants to Beat HP's WebOS Sharing Feature with Something Cooler

1 - Apple Wants to Beat HP's WebOS Sharing Feature with Something Cooler - July 2011, Patently Apple 
When HP first introduced the TouchPad's "Touch to Share" feature earlier this year, fans and industry pundits alike applauded them for their innovation. Well, it appears that Apple has been working on something similar for about 18 months now. Of course in typical Apple fashion, the concepts envisioned appear to be far more creative as they implement gesturing with Physics Metaphors. In one example, as noted in our cover graphic, you'll be able to "pour out" files from one device to another in a manner that mimics that of pouring water. Apple lists a host of other examples that include sound effects. One such example includes an iPhone sucking up files from an iPad with the sound effect of a vacuum cleaner. While this newly proposed feature will certainly apply to all of Apple's hardware, it will also eventually apply to other devices such as televisions, whiteboards, projectors and more. Whether this ends up being a spin-off of Apple's forthcoming "AirDrop" feature or not remains to be seen. For now, it's Apple adding some badly needed personality to the boring process of file sharing.  

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Apple's Future iPen May Include a Unique Heating Element, Integrated Docking System & Work with Ordinary Paper

1 - Apple's future iPen may include a unique heating element & ordinary paper options, July 2011 - Patently Apple 
According to our Smart Pen Archives, Apple has now filed more than a dozen smart pen patent applications over the last few years with each one getting more innovative and detailed. One of the most advanced patent applications on smart pens to date was published this past April and one of two patent applications on this subject published today illustrates that Apple is really trying to find a smart pen solution that could also work with ordinary paper. Students and professional doodlers alike could work on ordinary paper and/or notebooks and then simply transfer their data to the device of their choosing when they're done. Other equally innovative ideas that surfaced today include a unique heating element that provides the iPen's tip with smooth action on the display in any temperature and even an integrated iPen dock to charge the Pen's battery. With Apple working on so many advanced iPen options of late, it's evident that the Crazy Ones in Cupertino think that they're closing in on the perfect smart pen.  

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Apple's Wild New 3D Gesturing is Aimed at CAD, Avatar Creation & More

1 - Apple's Wild New 3D Gesturing is Aimed at CAD, Avatar Creation & More - Patently Apple July 2011 
On July 7, 2011, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals various concepts behind newly advanced 3D gesturing that will apply to CAD applications for product and gaming developers as well as for consumers. According to Apple, next generation iPad and/or other iOS device displays will allow consumers to create avatars for 3D environments or assist homeowners in designing new landscapes and more by using simple 3D gesturing. The new 3D gesturing will control color and textures while allowing users to uniquely rotate objects to gain different perspectives of their designs. This is wild stuff that is bound to give Apple's competitors another huge headache. 

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Apple Wins Key Patents for iPhone Video Conferencing, Future Macs with NFC Antennas & More

1 - Apple Wins Key Patents for iPhone Video Conferencing & Future iMac with NFC Antenna, July 2011, Patently Apple 
The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 14 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today. In our first report we mainly covered Apple's granted patents that related to a Karaoke system and advanced roaming point-of-sale system. In today's second granted patent report we mainly focus on three patents. The first mainly covers Aperture's plug-in architecture for exporting digital images while the second covers Apple's original iPhone video conferencing interface that set the standard. The third and final granted patent covered today interestingly covers future iMacs and Macbooks that will integrate NFC antennas and related applications.   

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Apple Wins Patents Relating to a Point-of-Sale Transaction System, Karaoke & Wireless Keyboard Design

1 - Apple Wins Patents Relating to Point-of-Sale Transaction System, karaoke & More 
The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 14 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today. In our first granted patent report of the day we focus on three specific patents. The first relates to a sophisticated roaming point-of-sale system that Apple may use in their Apple Stores, the second is a patent relating to a Karaoke system that few have seen and the last relates to Apple's wireless keyboard design.  

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