IDF Beijing 2011: The Rise of Tablets
Apple Wins iPhone 4 and Key RFID Transponder Display Patents

China Approves Eleven iPod Nano Design Patents

1 - China Approves Eleven Apple iPod Nano Design Patents - April 15 - 16 - 2011 
Today, eleven iPod Nano Design Patents were published in China. Apple applied for the design in February and received registered status on Friday. The designs cover such elements as music, genius mixes, FM Radio and others. Apple launched the iPod nano with Multi-Touch in September 2010.  


Apple Design Patents for iPod Nano Registered in China


2b - register of designs in-part - Apple recieves ui and icon patents for ipod nano designs - april 2011 

The Designs


Eleven of Apple's design patents for UI elements and Graphic Icons were given granted status on Friday. They include such elements as music, genius mixes, FM Radio, Now Playing, Playlists and Artists. The design patents are only valid until 2016.


3 - China Registers 11 apple ipod nan ui elements & icon graphics - april 2011 

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