Apple Files Trademark for Ping's Stylized Bubbles Symbol
Apple has been a busy bee this quarter filing trademarks related social networking. In January they updated their "Apple" trademark to cover social networking while protecting their new "Ping" social network for music lovers in Europe and China. Then in late February Apple filed for "Places" which was filed under an International Class for social networking involving GPS services. Today, Apple is out to protect the stylized bubbles associated with Ping that is presented in the iTunes sidebar as shown above.
Apple Seeks Protection for their "Stylized Speech Bubbles" Related to Ping
Apple's latest trademark filing simply refers to the new symbol trademark as "Stylized Speech Bubbles." This morning when prepping this report, I "Googled" the symbol and even the word and images related to "Ping" and didn't find this symbol anywhere. But within moments of our report being posted this morning, sharp-eyed Macites pointed out that the symbol, however small, was shown in iTunes. While I don't have Ping turned on, I did find it in the iTunes side bar. I guess I need stronger bifocals – Ha! Thanks to all who were quick to point this out to me this morning. That's what a community is for. Cheers!
Apple's Trademark Application In-Part
Apple has filed their new trademark symbol under four distinct trademark applications numbered 85249977, 85249986, 85250000 and 85250006.
Apple Trademark International Class Details
International Class 009: Computer software for authoring, downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, and electronic publications; data synchronization programs; pre-recorded computer programs for personal information management, database management software, electronic mail and messaging software; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of books, plays, pamphlets, brochures, newsletters, journals, magazines, and periodicals on a wide range of topics of general interest; handheld digital electronic devices and software related thereto; MP3 and other digital format audio players; hand held computers, tablet computers, personal digital assistants, electronic organizers, electronic notepads; mobile digital electronic devices, global positioning system (GPS) devices, telephones; handheld and mobile digital electronic devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other digital data; mobile telephones; parts and accessories for mobile telephones; cameras, videophones; electronic handheld units for the wireless receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and messages, and electronic devices that enable the user to keep track of or manage personal information; electronic communication equipment and instruments; computer and electronic games; digital audio and video devices; digital music and/or video players; radios; video cameras; audio, video, and digital mixers; radio transmitters; car audio apparatus.
International Class 035: Online retail store services; retail store services provided via the Internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; online service for connecting social network users with retailers; retail store services in the field of books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, journals and other publications on a wide range of topics of general interest, provided via the Internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services in the field of entertainment featuring movies, television programs, sporting events, musical works, and audio and audiovisual works, via the Internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services featuring computer, electronic and entertainment products, telecommunications apparatus, mobile phones, handheld mobile digital electronic devices, and other consumer electronics, computer software, and accessories, peripherals, and carrying cases for such products, via the Internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; subscription services, namely, providing subscriptions to text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content, provided via the Internet and other electronic and communications networks; downloadable pre-recorded text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content for a fee or pre-paid subscription, provided via the Internet and other electronic and communications networks.
International Class 041: Entertainment and educational services, namely, providing text, video, audio, and multimedia materials; entertainment services, namely, providing computer games; entertainment and educational services, namely, providing electronic books, magazines, newspapers, journals, periodicals, and other publications; entertainment and educational services, namely, providing information, databases, directories, and podcasts in the fields of entertainment, advertising, news, current events, history, sports, games, the media, cultural events and activities, hobbies, publications, technology, and other topics; entertainment and educational services, namely, live performances, sporting events, cultural events, and lectures; entertainment and education services, namely, organizing and conducting exhibitions, displays, exhibits, workshops, seminars, training, and conferences.
International Class 045: Online social networking services.
Apple asserts a claim of priority based on Jamaican application numbers 56,394, filed 08/26/2010 and application 56,427, filed 08/31/2010.
Notice: Patently Apple presents only a brief summary of new trademarks with associated graphic(s) for journalistic news purposes as each such trademark is revealed by the U.S. and/or other foreign Patent & Trademark Offices. Readers are cautioned that the full text of any patent and/or trademark applications and/or grants should be read in its entirety for further details. About Comments: Patently Apple reserves the right to post, dismiss or edit comments.
Community Sites Covering our Original Report: MacSurfer, Apple Investor News, Google Reader, UpgradeOSX, Tech Scramble, iPhone World Canada, Techmeme, MacPlus France, MacNN and more.