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Apple Updates OpenCL Trademark

Patent Office OpenCL 2 
The US Patent & Trademark Office has published two updated trademark applications that Apple has made in respect to OpenCL. When carefully comparing the current application to the prior filing published back in November 2008, it becomes evident that the only significant change has been the addition of the OpenCL logo or graphic in two separate embodiments: one in color and the other in black and white, as noted above. The two priority application updates were originally filed in Trinidad and Tobago under applications 40957 and 40958. Apple's "Intent to Use" specimen provided to the USPTO was that of Apple's OS X Snow Leopard feature page for "What's New."


OpenCL Side Notes


OpenCL logo

As a side note, it should be noted that during Intel's IDF keynote by Renee James last month, it was announced that OpenCL was being incorporated right into Larrabee's new 2009 tools alongside OpenGL.


Additionally, Wikipedia reports on two developments. The first being that AMD and Intel's Havok demonstrated their first working implementation of OpenCL accellerating "Havok Cloth" - a performance-optimized development tool designed to minimize the time that game artists spend on annimating the behavior of garments and environmental cloth. The second is is that Intel's RapidMind,  a company focused on tools for parallel computing, has implemented OpenCL.   


Apple's OpenCL trademark applications were filed under numbers 77844736 (colour logo) and 77844718 (black and white logo).


Notice: Patently Apple presents only a brief summary of new trademarks with associated graphic(s) for journalistic news purposes as each such trademark is revealed by the U.S. and/or other foreign Patent & Trademark Offices. Readers are cautioned that the full text of any patent and/or trademark applications and/or grants should be read in its entirety for further details. To read this report in another major language, check out Yahoo! Babel Fish.


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