Safari to Offer Unique Volume Controls
On April 23, 2009, the USPTO revealed a new patent application from Apple that generally relates to Web Browser Audio Controls. Although the idea is rather simple, the fact is that no one has implemented it yet. Apple wants to provide users with the ability to control volume on the Safari browser - be it on an iMac, MacBook or iPhone. Users will, more importantly, be given the ability to pre-program the browser to automatically play, mute or modify audio on specific URLs. For instance, I like to check out financial news on CNN but hate the video that automatically plays when that site is opened. With Apple's invention, I'd be able to preset that URL to mute so that I never have to hear that unwanted video again or simply play it at a very low volume. Apple's upgraded Safari browser will come with a mute button and a volume control slider that will be positioned within the search bar itself, as shown below.
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